An online energy audit is a great way to analyze your energy use and learn of ways you can lower your energy bills. Use the following free online energy advisors as a starting point to save money.
Home Energy Saver empowers homeowners and renters to save money, live better and help the earth by reducing energy use in their homes. HES recommends energy-saving upgrades that are appropriate to the home and make sense for the home's climate and local energy prices. The money invested in these upgrades commonly earns "interest" in the form of energy bill savings, at an annual rate of 20% or more. The site is an interactive do-it-yourself home energy assessment tool, combined with extensive decision-support content. The site is developed and maintained by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory with sponsorship from the U.S. Department of Energy and others, including Touchstone Energy Cooperatives.
Home Energy Yardstick is a simple energy advisor that takes five minutes to complete. Find out if your home's energy usage is above average by knowing its age, square footage and number of occupants.